
Til Kingdom Come: Watchful Waiting


Til Kingdom Come: Watchful Waiting

A Sermon Based on Matthew 25:1-13

This sermon begins a new sermon series based on Christ’s teaching of what his kingdom will be like when he comes back. This sermon looks at the first story he tells in the chapter: the parable of the ten virgins. It’s a story about watchful waiting. What does Christian waiting look like? This sermon shares four counsels on what watchful waiting looks like.

Here is a link to Points to Ponder for Life Groups.

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The Gifts of Christmas: Love


The Gifts of Christmas: Love

(A Sermon Based on Romans 13:8-14)

How do you have the perfect marriage? How do you establish world peace? How do you abolish world hunger, poverty, and injustice? Love your neighbor as yourself. It’s that easy. It’s also that hard. This sermon explores that simple command and with the gospel of Jesus empowers it.

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