Any Thing


Any Thing

(A Sermon Based 1 John 3:21-24)

I have found that the worst times of my life have always been the times when I’ve been in a place, but I haven’t really been there. Times when joy was surrounding me, but I felt heavy inside. Times when my coke was fizzing, but my heart was fizzling. Times when my eyes were seeing palmetto trees and waves, but my heart was only seeing emergencies and problems. And there I was by my lonesome. Just me. Wearing the weight of my world. Cut off from real life by the walls of my own dark spiritual castle. Impervious to the beauty around. Disconnected from the people next to me. There, but not really there for anyone. This is a sermon ending that life and breaking into the life that comes from the Spirit because of Jesus. Listen in.

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Stepping Off Life's Merry Go 'Round


Stepping Off Life's Merry Go 'Round

1 John 2:12-17

Humans are created to love. That is our God-given design. That is what we were always meant to do. To love. Even social science has finally noticed that about us calling humanity existential sharks. Why? Even science has to come to see that humans are always trolling in their lives for the next thing to love. We follow our hearts and seek to fill them. It’s what we do. Our hearts will be filled. The only question is by what. John here makes sure our hearts are filled the only saving way. Listen in!

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The Joy of Real People


The Joy of Real People

(A Sermon 1 John 1:1-2:2)

Easter didn't quite do it for John. It didn't quite top him off emotionally. That's an interesting and amazing concept for Christians because Christians know that the main point of Christianity is inner joy - joy that we can have even now - and John, Jesus' own apostle, is saying here that he didn't yet have in full measure what Jesus rose to give him. What was missing for John? People. This is a sermon that attempts to show how a Christian can have complete joy through having "real" people in their lives even now. Listen in.

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Easter's Supernatural Surprise


Easter's Supernatural Surprise

(A Sermon Based on John 20:11-18)

You might be surprised to discover that Easter's big surprise is actually not the angels. You might be further surprised to find out that Easter's big surprise is not Jesus' physical resurrection either. What's the big surprise? A complete downer. And why is it important to notice that downer even on Easter? For your joy. Listen in.

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