
What the World Needs Now: Prayer


All We Have is a Prayer

A Sermon Based on Isaiah 63:16b, 17; 64:1-8

What does the world really need? It needs nothing but the full-on advent of God himself. This sermon explores how Christians are reduced to praying only for that. It, therefore, interacts with modern optimism, which is not sure that the end of this world is really necessary. It also looks at the way that Isaiah spiritually and prayerfully prepares Christian hearts for the final advent of the Lord. He does this magnificently, taking on our self-righteously and pointing us to Christ who is our only true righteousness.

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Strengthened in Relationship with God


Strengthened in Relationship with God

A Sermon Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

If you could capture in an image what the Christian’s life like is with God, what image might you choose? This sermon will suggest in closing that it is the image of a light-hearted person. Why? It is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus that we receive the gifts of rejoicing, prayer, and gratitude. These three gifts combined give the Christian the ability to entrust their entire life to God.

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Any Thing


Any Thing

(A Sermon Based 1 John 3:21-24)

I have found that the worst times of my life have always been the times when I’ve been in a place, but I haven’t really been there. Times when joy was surrounding me, but I felt heavy inside. Times when my coke was fizzing, but my heart was fizzling. Times when my eyes were seeing palmetto trees and waves, but my heart was only seeing emergencies and problems. And there I was by my lonesome. Just me. Wearing the weight of my world. Cut off from real life by the walls of my own dark spiritual castle. Impervious to the beauty around. Disconnected from the people next to me. There, but not really there for anyone. This is a sermon ending that life and breaking into the life that comes from the Spirit because of Jesus. Listen in.

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Life with Your God.


Life with Your God.

(A Sermon Based on Psalm 131)

Life can feel like such a confusing, unsettled place especially when we don't know what's coming next or can't control what's happening. This sermon explores what is at the root of all our insecurities as we do life and all the things that stop us from truly having serenity now as we do it. It seeks to "grow down" the listener to a place of true emotional maturity. What does that look like? Listen in.

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Gospel Essentials 2

The Second Sermon of Gospel Essentials based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7

Nobody actually despises prayer. Even unbelievers will say to believers, “Will you please pray for me?” We all believe in prayer. We just don’t believe in everybody’s prayers. People back in the Middle Ages are a great example of this kind of thinking. They believed deeply in prayer. Just not in their own. So they’d ask others to pray for them. People who God might listen to. People who they thought had God’s ear. Like Mary. Or some other saint. They weren’t totally wrong. There are those who whose prayers make the globe spin and those who can't even make a leaf rustle. Which camp do you think you fall in? How holy do you think you are? It's holiness that gets a hearing. Listen in to understand this crucial aspect of the gospel.

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