Worship Is Worth Our Time

Worship Is Worth Our Time

A SERMON BASED ON John 2:13-22

We live in a world in which everything is on-demand. You could order a blender today and it will be on your doorstep by the end of the day tomorrow. You can pay your mortgage on your phone from the couch. Everything is instant. Everything is convenient. Everything is done on your timeline. So why not worship? Why would we gather together? Why would we build a space to be used to its fullest once a week? What is so important on a Sunday morning that we drop everything and show up?

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Bearing Our Crosses

Bearing Our Crosses

A SERMON BASED ON Romans 5:1-11

It doesn’t take long to realize that we have certain crosses to bear in this life as a result of our Christian faith. We deal with persecution and hatred. We are forced to make difficult decisions that others don’t have to make. It makes us ask the question: why? Why would God give us these crosses? Is it because he needs to see more from us? Is it to punish us? Or does he have so much more in mind for us?

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Is This Some Kind of Joke to God?

Is This Some Kind of Joke to God?

A SERMON BASED ON Genesis 22:1-18

When God asked Abraham to do the impossible, Abraham gathered his things and was determined to carry out exactly what he had been called to do. Abraham was willing to do whatever the Lord had called him to do for two reasons. Check out Abraham’s reasons and make them your reasons!

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A Transfiguration Unlike Any Other

A Transfiguration Unlike Any Other


As the Lord Jesus prepared to approach his suffering and death, he undergoes this transfiguration. It is one of those moments in which it seems that heaven connects with earth. Holiness and perfection are on miraculous display. Jesus is finally seen as he really is. But that still leaves us with one question: WHY?

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