original sin

Exodus: The Original Sin

Exodus Part 1 PP.png

Exodus: The Original Sin

A Sermon Based on Exodus 32:1-14

We can think of this biblical story about the golden calf as a description of Israel's original sin. Of course, it was not the first sin in history, but it was the first public, shared sin of Israel, whom the Lord had just adopted as his own people. What can God’s people learn from it today? We can learn much about ourselves and our relationship with others, but also, most importantly, about our relationship with God.

Here is a link to Life Group points to ponder.

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Living Life with Life

The Fourth Sermon in a Series called Romans The Gospel According to Paul Based Romans 5:12-18

We so often live life without life. We hold onto great moments too tightly. We experience powerful regrets about opportunities we've missed. We react hopelessly when trouble enters the picture. We live life without life. Find out why we do and then break loose from that kind of living by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Live life the way God intends it to be lived with life. Listen in below!

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