More Than A Slogan

More Than A Slogan

A SERMON BASED ON 1 John 1:5-2:2

Do we have something worthwhile to say? Or are the words that Christians speak just as relevant and useful as any common catchphrase of the world? The Apostle John delivers phrases that stick in our mind, but they carry more weight than anything the world offers. Why? Because they are rooted in truth and reality!

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"Stop Doubting and Believe"

"Stop Doubting and Believe"

A SERMON BASED ON John 20:19-31

When Jesus says “stop doubting,” we can’t help but notice an edge in his voice. In fact, he says that those who believe without seeing are blessed because they didn’t NEED to make God prove himself. When the doubts of life come our way, how should we react? Do we wallow in them and allow them to take ownership of our mind, or do we answer them with the truth of the resurrection?

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How Are You Doing?

How Are You Doing?

A SERMON BASED ON Job 19:23-27

The hymn I Know that My Redeemer Lives is based on the words of Job, uttered when he was in the depths of despair and was forced to still find his hope in a God who seemed to abandon him. The reason these words of Job and the song writer are so poignant is that in the midst of trouble, the resurrection of Jesus changes death and life itself. If Christ has been risen from the grave, why on earth should I walk around being afraid of dying? And if death is not my primary concern in life, how does that shape my worldview?

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Real Sacrifice

Real Sacrifice

A SERMON BASED ON John 19:17-30

On Good Friday, Jesus isn’t beaten just to gain pity. He’s not nailed to a cross to score your sympathy. He doesn’t die for your tears. Here at the cross, we see these beautiful juxtapositions. At the same time, we see the wrath of God, the innocent helpless looking sacrifice, and the seeming defeat of Christ himself. But if we blink, we see at the same time the love of God, the strong redeemer, and the victory of our Lord. Come to the cross and see!

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Unity Worth Preserving

Unity Worth Preserving

A SERMON BASED ON 1 Corinthians 10:16-17

Keeping a group of people together isn’t an easy thing to do. A church is no different. Personalities loom large. Opinions are stated (maybe overstated). Things fall apart. So how do we preserve and defend the unity in a church? At the Lord’s Supper, God gives us a rich opportunity to find safety in the oneness that we share at his table.

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Making A Strong Entrance

Making A Strong Entrance

A SERMON BASED ON Mark 11:1-11

Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem isn’t exactly understated. It is one of the few times that Jesus indulges the fanfare. The expectation of those in the city was that he would be this strong warrior on their behalf. They believed that he had the strength to answer their cries of “hosanna” which means “please save us!” And he would. Jesus would be that Savior… but maybe not the one everyone expected.

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