My Truth

Quote This


Quote This

(A Sermon on Matthew 22:1-14)

This section of Matthew's gospel is one, massive Christ quote. It's a Christ quote with the exception of eight English introductory words. But it's not just that. It's not just a massive Christ quote. It's also a quote of Christ quoting God. Think about that. This is the Spirit of God telling us with the Son of God said was on God the Father's heart. That makes these God quotes a pretty big deal. This isn't a sermon about those quotes though. It's a sermon about the quote that never came. Listen in.

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The Vulnerable Pastor


The Vulnerable Pastor

(A Sermon Based on Philippians 1:27-2:4)

Pastors have profound relationships with their churches. They love them, serve them, and sometimes even ache for them. Paul had that kind of profound relationship with his church too. And he leveraged that relationship all the way to the hilt on one single issue. Here's what made him as a pastor get vulnerable and what made this pastor share his heart too. Listen in!

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The Hills are Alive!


The Hills are Alive!

(A Sermon Based On Isaiah 55:6-13)

The ancients talked about something called acedia. They understood it as one of the great sins. We don't call it acedia anymore, but we do call it things. Sometimes we call it boredom. Other times we call it spiritual lethargy. Still other times we call it dullness in life or a season of spiritual dryness. It shows up in our lives in lots of different ways. Sometimes it’ll have you mindlessly scrolling through Facebook. Other times it’ll have you pleasure seeking to feel alive through sex or some form of lust. Still other times it’ll have you being more like a drone at work or at church than being a human. There, but not really living. Still other times it’ll have you flipping on your favorite political talking head honestly not because you really need the information to live for God, but because you want to feel something - anything - even if it's just plain mad. God calls us to leave that evil behind and live. Here's God's truth on how to do that.

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How Right You Are


How Right You Are

(A Sermon Based on Romans 14:1-6, 15:7)

There is so much of life that God has not told us how to live. So much that he's left to our discretion. Christians talk about these matters and often feel strongly about the decisions they make in those areas. Some Christians, however, don't see just how free they are and feel like there are some things they can't do even though God hasn't commanded anything or forbidden anything about it. When we have a right to live a certain way and we know we are right about that, but someone feels differently what should we do about that? This is a sermon about what to do with your right when you are right. Listen in below! 

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